7-Day Live Immersive

7-Day Live Immersive

7-Day Live

7-Day Live Immersive


We receive incredible feedback about the 7-day Immersive. 
It’s your opportunity to master the Spinal Flow Technique, make life-long friends, receive healing and deeply transform your life. 

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 Every single one of our participants leaves the 7-Day Immersive feeling confident in their ability to

+ Help someone heal
+ Feel layers of stress in the body
+ Release spinal blockages and feel the Spinal Flow healing the body
+ Design the life and the lifestyle they want


We receive incredible feedback about the 7-day Immersive. 
It’s your opportunity to master the Spinal Flow Technique, make life-long friends, receive healing and deeply transform your life. 

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 Every single one of our participants leaves the 7-Day Immersive feeling confident in their ability to

+ Help someone heal
+ Feel layers of stress in the body
+ Release spinal blockages and feel the Spinal Flow healing the body
+ Design the life and the lifestyle they want


We receive incredible feedback about the 7-day Immersive. 
It’s your opportunity to master the Spinal Flow Technique, make life-long friends, receive healing and deeply transform your life. 

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 Every single one of our participants leaves the 7-Day Immersive feeling confident in their ability to

+ Help someone heal
+ Feel layers of stress in the body
+ Release spinal blockages and feel the Spinal Flow healing the body
+ Design the life and the lifestyle they want

Thank you so much. Your excitement is clear and most contagious. After spending a week with you I feel so much trust in you and the responsibility you feel for your clients, as well as the love. And the care you’ve shown for us. I’m very impressed with the sheer respect for the organisation required for an effective immersive.


Thank you so much. Your excitement is clear and most contagious. After spending a week with you I feel so much trust in you and the responsibility you feel for your clients, as well as the love. And the care you’ve shown for us. I’m very impressed with the sheer respect for the organisation required for an effective immersive.


Thank you so much. Your excitement is clear and most contagious. After spending a week with you I feel so much trust in you and the responsibility you feel for your clients, as well as the love. And the care you’ve shown for us. I’m very impressed with the sheer respect for the organisation required for an effective immersive.


Spinal Flow Technique founder Dr Carli Axford, Spinal Flow Technique 7 gateways of the spine, Spinal Flow Technique training in action

Receive Healing For Yourself

Dr Carli and her team are always present to ensure that You will have this experience too!
Over the 7 days you’ll receive between 15-18 Spinal Flow healing sessions. We assess your posture and your symptoms before and after the Immersive and we clearly see that

  • Posture improves
  • Energy increases
  • Symptoms get better

You will be amazed at your ability to create life-long changes in your clients and yourself in just 7 days.

Location names, Gold Coast, Hawaii, California, New Zealand, Training, Dates
Location names, Gold Coast, Hawaii, California, New Zealand, Training, Dates

Receive Healing For Yourself

Dr Carli and her team are always present to ensure that You will have this experience too! Over the 7 days you’ll receive between 15-18 Spinal Flow healing sessions. We assess your posture and your symptoms before and after the Immersive and we clearly see that
  • Posture improves
  • Energy increases
  • Symptoms get better
You will be amazed at your ability to create life-long changes in your clients and yourself in just 7 days.
Location names, Gold Coast, Hawaii, California, New Zealand, Training, Dates
Location names, Gold Coast, Hawaii, California, New Zealand, Training, Dates

Receive Healing For Yourself

Dr Carli and her team are always present to ensure that You will have this experience too!
Over the 7 days you’ll receive between 15-18 Spinal Flow healing sessions. We assess your posture and your symptoms before and after the Immersive and we clearly see that

  • Posture improves
  • Energy increases
  • Symptoms get better

You will be amazed at your ability to create life-long changes in your clients and yourself in just 7 days.

Location names, Gold Coast, Hawaii, California, New Zealand, Training, Dates

Your team has been so supportive through all of it. There has never been any pressure to do what I couldn’t achieve, but always understanding, empathy and support. I am so grateful to be part of this team, who actually put people and wellness first, and who genuinely care about the people they are working with. Thank you.


Your team has been so supportive through all of it. There has never been any pressure to do what I couldn’t achieve, but always understanding, empathy and support. I am so grateful to be part of this team, who actually put people and wellness first, and who genuinely care about the people they are working with. Thank you.


Your team has been so supportive through all of it. There has never been any pressure to do what I couldn’t achieve, but always understanding, empathy and support. I am so grateful to be part of this team, who actually put people and wellness first, and who genuinely care about the people they are working with. Thank you.


Location names, Gold Coast, Hawaii, California, New Zealand, Training, Dates


The 7-Day Immersive is a life-changing experience.
The most common story we hear goes something like this:

Before the 7-Day Immersive:
“I’m so nervous, I’m not sure if I can do this.
I’m kinda scared, I don’t know what will happen, I don’t know if I will be able to learn this…”

After the 7-Day Immersive:
“I feel incredible. I’m more confident than I ever thought possible and now I know I can help people heal. Thank You! I’ve found my tribe. For the first time in my life I fit in.”

The 7-Day Immersive is much more than developing your skills in the Spinal Flow Technique.
Participants make life-long friends, heal their bodies, find their tribe and connect with a purpose much greater than themselves.

Location names, Gold Coast, Hawaii, California, New Zealand, Training, Dates


The 7-Day Immersive is a life-changing experience.
The most common story we hear goes something like this:

Before the 7-Day Immersive:
“I’m so nervous, I’m not sure if I can do this.
I’m kinda scared, I don’t know what will happen, I don’t know if I will be able to learn this…”

After the 7-Day Immersive:
“I feel incredible. I’m more confident than I ever thought possible and now I know I can help people heal. Thank You! I’ve found my tribe. For the first time in my life I fit in.”

The 7-Day Immersive is much more than developing your skills in the Spinal Flow Technique.
Participants make life-long friends, heal their bodies, find their tribe and connect with a purpose much greater than themselves.

Location names, Gold Coast, Hawaii, California, New Zealand, Training, Dates


The 7-Day Immersive is a life-changing experience.
The most common story we hear goes something like this:

Before the 7-Day Immersive:
“I’m so nervous, I’m not sure if I can do this.
I’m kinda scared, I don’t know what will happen, I don’t know if I will be able to learn this…”

After the 7-Day Immersive:
“I feel incredible. I’m more confident than I ever thought possible and now I know I can help people heal. Thank You! I’ve found my tribe. For the first time in my life I fit in.”

The 7-Day Immersive is much more than developing your skills in the Spinal Flow Technique.
Participants make life-long friends, heal their bodies, find their tribe and connect with a purpose much greater than themselves.

Thank you, thank you, thank you Carli! So wonderful to be part of a family of like minded people. Much gratitude for all that you do with Spinal Flow.


Thank you, thank you, thank you Carli! So wonderful to be part of a family of like minded people. Much gratitude for all that you do with Spinal Flow.


Thank you, thank you, thank you Carli! So wonderful to be part of a family of like minded people. Much gratitude for all that you do with Spinal Flow.



Spinal Flow Technique founder Dr Carli Axford, Spinal Flow Technique 7 gateways of the spine, Spinal Flow Technique training in action

The Spinal Flow Technique Immersives offer a deep dive into hands-on practice that allows our students to practice healing in action.
These 7 day Immersives are included in our certification program and not available as a stand alone program.  
Spinal Flow Technique Immersives are held several times a year across the globe and run for 7 days.
For those who cannot travel, there are live, real-time opportunities to connect and complete the incredible immersive. Speak to our team about the at-home options if travel is restricted where you live.
Learn how to make healing happen using the science, philosophy and touch of Spinal Flow Technique, a healing modality with its roots in chiropractic science.

Spinal Flow Technique, 7 gateways of the spine, Base gateway, foundation gateway, centre gateway, passion gateway, pause gateway, awaken gateway, power gateway, 33 access points, spinal wave, spinal blockage, chiropractic approach to wellness


Spinal Flow Technique training

The Spinal Flow Technique Immersives offer a deep dive into hands-on practice that allows our students to practice healing in action.
These 7 day Immersives are included in our certification program and not available as a stand alone program.  
Spinal Flow Technique Immersives are held several times a year across the globe and run for 7 days.
For those who cannot travel, there are live, real-time opportunities to connect and complete the incredible immersive. Speak to our team about the at-home options if travel is restricted where you live.
Learn how to make healing happen using the science, philosophy and touch of Spinal Flow Technique, a healing modality with its roots in chiropractic science.


We teach in small, digestible stages, with multiple opportunities to practice and review what you’ve learnt so you feel confident in your understanding. 

PLUS – there are group lunches, social opportunities and many chances to get to know each other and make life-long friends in the Spinal Flow family. 

Each immersive includes:

  • Multiple healing sessions (you will receive over 15 Spinal Flow healing sessions)
  • Before and after photos to measure your transformation (prepare to be amazed)
  • Care for the introverts – quiet spaces for you to integrate or simply be with yourself without any pressure to connect with people.
  • Activities for the extroverts – lunches, dinners, online chats and more for you to connect as much as you like

We notice that every single person experiences positive changes in their body, their energy and their health at the end of the 7 days!


We teach in small, digestible stages, with multiple opportunities to practice and review what you’ve learnt so you feel confident in your understanding. 

PLUS – there are group lunches, social opportunities and many chances to get to know each other and make life-long friends in the Spinal Flow family. 

Each immersive includes:

  • Multiple healing sessions (you will receive over 15 Spinal Flow healing sessions)
  • Before and after photos to measure your transformation (prepare to be amazed)
  • Care for the introverts – quiet spaces for you to integrate or simply be with yourself without any pressure to connect with people.
  • Activities for the extroverts – lunches, dinners, online chats and more for you to connect as much as you like

We notice that every single person experiences positive changes in their body, their energy and their health at the end of the 7 days!

7-Day Immersive Schedule

Here’s what we cover together over the 7 days.
Whether you’re online or in-person you’ll come away with the confidence to apply the Spinal Flow Technique and help people heal.

Developing A Strong Foundation In The Spinal Flow Technique

  • Confidently identify spinal blockages in all of the 7 Gateways
  • Learn how to assess postural imbalances and identify stored stress
  • Understand the messages from the body in the form of pain, illness and dis-ease
  • How to communicate with your client exactly what’s going on in their body
  • Learn how to locate all 33 Access Points of the spine.
  • Learn to intuitively select the best Access Point to awaken the Spinal Flow in your clients

Awakening The Spinal Flow

  • How to track the 3 types of Spinal Flow
    – The Movement Flow
    – The Breathing Flow
    – The Perception Flow
  • Communicating the experience of the Spinal Flow to your clients so they are empowered to help heal themselves
  • Feeling the layers of stress in the body
  • How to determine how long stress, pain, dis-ease and illness have been stored in the body.
  • Identifying the rate of healing and how long it will take someone to heal.
  • How to guide your client on their healing journey
  • Your Personal Healing Journey – Part I
    Working in a small pod, you will assess each other’s posture, Gateways and feel the spine for blockages and layers of stress. Later in the week you will get a chance to revisit your assessments to track how your body and their body can heal.

Enhancing The Spinal Flow

  • Using Sacral Bolsters to correct pelvic dysfunction and enhance the Spinal Flow
  • More tools to increase the Spinal Flow and greatly expand the flow of healing Life Force Energy
  • Discovering your Superpowers – how to use your unique gifts and welcome them into your healing sessions to increase the power of your intention, develop your natural confidence and amplify the Spinal Flow in your clients to help them heal.
  • Creating a bridge with your clients by helping them understand how their pain, illness or dis-ease is connected with the results of your assessment.
  • How to address exactly what your clients are feeling by connecting their experience to your knowledge of the 7 Gateways. You will become an expert at solving people’s problems!

Deep Emotional Healing

  • How to safely release the deepest emotional stress stored in the spine so the entire body can heal.
  • Experiencing the freedom and healing flow of Life Force Energy when deep emotional stress is cleared from the spine.
  • Having a deeper experience of the Spinal Flow by embodying each of the three Flow types: the Movement Flow, the Breath Flow and the Perception Flow.
  • Guidelines for treating babies, children, teenagers, the elderly, palliative care, fertility and pregnancy

Opening The Heart

  • How to open the Heart with the Spinal Flow Technique. 
  • Leading with the Heart and allowing the Heart’s intelligence to guide the Spinal Flow
  • Practicing the Spinal Flow Technique in different positions – seated, on the side and on the back.
  • Treating clients with paralysis or in wheelchairs
  • Your Personal Healing Journey – Part II
    Together with your pod you will reassess each other’s posture, Gateways and spinal blockages to measure the change and transformation that is taking place. Prepare to be amazed!

Magnify Your Healing Potential

  • The incredible power of working with multiple people as a Spinal Flow Practitioner.
  • How to set up your practice to work with multiple clients. 
  • How to communicate and manage a multi-person healing session with your clients.
  • How to schedule group sessions into your practice. 
  • How to facilitate group sessions in a retreat setting
  • The importance of Giving and Receiving as a Spinal Flow Practitioner so you can rejuvenate and energise yourself (and not just give give give).

Trusting Your Intuition

  • Trusting your intuition – how to put together everything you’ve learnt, release the rules, go with the flow and simply be You
  • Finding your Healer Zone
  • Your Personal Healing Journey Part III
    Together with your pod you will complete a final assessment of each other. Reflect upon your Gateway and postural assessments from Day 2 and Day 5 and notice the changes in yourself and others. This is when you realise how much transformation is possible and the incredible power of Spinal Flow to help heal the body.
  • Aligning your dreams and your purpose with your new abilities as a Spinal Flow Practitioner.
  • Finding your tribe and the group of people here to support you in your dreams and keep you accountable to living your true purpose.

7-Day Immersive Schedule

Here’s what we cover together over the 7 days.
Whether you’re online or in-person you’ll come away with the confidence to apply the Spinal Flow Technique and help people heal.

Developing A Strong Foundation In The Spinal Flow Technique

  • Confidently identify spinal blockages in all of the 7 Gateways
  • Learn how to assess postural imbalances and identify stored stress
  • Understand the messages from the body in the form of pain, illness and dis-ease
  • How to communicate with your client exactly what’s going on in their body
  • Learn how to locate all 33 Access Points of the spine.
  • Learn to intuitively select the best Access Point to awaken the Spinal Flow in your clients

Awakening The Spinal Flow

  • How to track the 3 types of Spinal Flow
    – The Movement Flow
    – The Breathing Flow
    – The Perception Flow
  • Communicating the experience of the Spinal Flow to your clients so they are empowered to help heal themselves
  • Feeling the layers of stress in the body
  • How to determine how long stress, pain, dis-ease and illness have been stored in the body.
  • Identifying the rate of healing and how long it will take someone to heal.
  • How to guide your client on their healing journey
  • Your Personal Healing Journey – Part I
    Working in a small pod, you will assess each other’s posture, Gateways and feel the spine for blockages and layers of stress. Later in the week you will get a chance to revisit your assessments to track how your body and their body can heal.

Enhancing The Spinal Flow

  • Using Sacral Bolsters to correct pelvic dysfunction and enhance the Spinal Flow
  • More tools to increase the Spinal Flow and greatly expand the flow of healing Life Force Energy
  • Discovering your Superpowers – how to use your unique gifts and welcome them into your healing sessions to increase the power of your intention, develop your natural confidence and amplify the Spinal Flow in your clients to help them heal.
  • Creating a bridge with your clients by helping them understand how their pain, illness or dis-ease is connected with the results of your assessment.
  • How to address exactly what your clients are feeling by connecting their experience to your knowledge of the 7 Gateways. You will become an expert at solving people’s problems!

Deep Emotional Healing

  • How to safely release the deepest emotional stress stored in the spine so the entire body can heal.
  • Experiencing the freedom and healing flow of Life Force Energy when deep emotional stress is cleared from the spine.
  • Having a deeper experience of the Spinal Flow by embodying each of the three Flow types: the Movement Flow, the Breath Flow and the Perception Flow.
  • Guidelines for treating babies, children, teenagers, the elderly, palliative care, fertility and pregnancy

Opening The Heart

  • How to open the Heart with the Spinal Flow Technique. 
  • Leading with the Heart and allowing the Heart’s intelligence to guide the Spinal Flow
  • Practicing the Spinal Flow Technique in different positions – seated, on the side and on the back.
  • Treating clients with paralysis or in wheelchairs
  • Your Personal Healing Journey – Part II
    Together with your pod you will reassess each other’s posture, Gateways and spinal blockages to measure the change and transformation that is taking place. Prepare to be amazed!

Magnify Your Healing Potential

  • The incredible power of working with multiple people as a Spinal Flow Practitioner.
  • How to set up your practice to work with multiple clients. 
  • How to communicate and manage a multi-person healing session with your clients.
  • How to schedule group sessions into your practice. 
  • How to facilitate group sessions in a retreat setting
  • The importance of Giving and Receiving as a Spinal Flow Practitioner so you can rejuvenate and energise yourself (and not just give give give).

Trusting Your Intuition

  • Trusting your intuition – how to put together everything you’ve learnt, release the rules, go with the flow and simply be You
  • Finding your Healer Zone
  • Your Personal Healing Journey Part III
    Together with your pod you will complete a final assessment of each other. Reflect upon your Gateway and postural assessments from Day 2 and Day 5 and notice the changes in yourself and others. This is when you realise how much transformation is possible and the incredible power of Spinal Flow to help heal the body.
  • Aligning your dreams and your purpose with your new abilities as a Spinal Flow Practitioner.
  • Finding your tribe and the group of people here to support you in your dreams and keep you accountable to living your true purpose.

7-Day Immersive Schedule

Here’s what we cover together over the 7 days.
Whether you’re online or in-person you’ll come away with the confidence to apply the Spinal Flow Technique and help people heal.

Developing A Strong Foundation In The Spinal Flow Technique

  • Confidently identify spinal blockages in all of the 7 Gateways
  • Learn how to assess postural imbalances and identify stored stress
  • Understand the messages from the body in the form of pain, illness and dis-ease
  • How to communicate with your client exactly what’s going on in their body
  • Learn how to locate all 33 Access Points of the spine.
  • Learn to intuitively select the best Access Point to awaken the Spinal Flow in your clients

Awakening The Spinal Flow

  • How to track the 3 types of Spinal Flow
    – The Movement Flow
    – The Breathing Flow
    – The Perception Flow
  • Communicating the experience of the Spinal Flow to your clients so they are empowered to help heal themselves
  • Feeling the layers of stress in the body
  • How to determine how long stress, pain, dis-ease and illness have been stored in the body.
  • Identifying the rate of healing and how long it will take someone to heal.
  • How to guide your client on their healing journey
  • Your Personal Healing Journey – Part I
    Working in a small pod, you will assess each other’s posture, Gateways and feel the spine for blockages and layers of stress. Later in the week you will get a chance to revisit your assessments to track how your body and their body can heal.
Enhancing The Spinal Flow
  • Using Sacral Bolsters to correct pelvic dysfunction and enhance the Spinal Flow
  • More tools to increase the Spinal Flow and greatly expand the flow of healing Life Force Energy
  • Discovering your Superpowers – how to use your unique gifts and welcome them into your healing sessions to increase the power of your intention, develop your natural confidence and amplify the Spinal Flow in your clients to help them heal.
  • Creating a bridge with your clients by helping them understand how their pain, illness or dis-ease is connected with the results of your assessment.
  • How to address exactly what your clients are feeling by connecting their experience to your knowledge of the 7 Gateways. You will become an expert at solving people’s problems!

Deep Emotional Healing

  • How to safely release the deepest emotional stress stored in the spine so the entire body can heal.
  • Experiencing the freedom and healing flow of Life Force Energy when deep emotional stress is cleared from the spine.
  • Having a deeper experience of the Spinal Flow by embodying each of the three Flow types: the Movement Flow, the Breath Flow and the Perception Flow.
  • Guidelines for treating babies, children, teenagers, the elderly, palliative care, fertility and pregnancy

Opening The Heart

  • How to open the Heart with the Spinal Flow Technique. 
  • Leading with the Heart and allowing the Heart’s intelligence to guide the Spinal Flow
  • Practicing the Spinal Flow Technique in different positions – seated, on the side and on the back.
  • Treating clients with paralysis or in wheelchairs
  • Your Personal Healing Journey – Part II
    Together with your pod you will reassess each other’s posture, Gateways and spinal blockages to measure the change and transformation that is taking place. Prepare to be amazed!

Magnify Your Healing Potential

  • The incredible power of working with multiple people as a Spinal Flow Practitioner.
  • How to set up your practice to work with multiple clients. 
  • How to communicate and manage a multi-person healing session with your clients.
  • How to schedule group sessions into your practice. 
  • How to facilitate group sessions in a retreat setting
  • The importance of Giving and Receiving as a Spinal Flow Practitioner so you can rejuvenate and energise yourself (and not just give give give).

Trusting Your Intuition

  • Trusting your intuition – how to put together everything you’ve learnt, release the rules, go with the flow and simply be You
  • Finding your Healer Zone
  • Your Personal Healing Journey Part III
    Together with your pod you will complete a final assessment of each other. Reflect upon your Gateway and postural assessments from Day 2 and Day 5 and notice the changes in yourself and others. This is when you realise how much transformation is possible and the incredible power of Spinal Flow to help heal the body.
  • Aligning your dreams and your purpose with your new abilities as a Spinal Flow Practitioner.
  • Finding your tribe and the group of people here to support you in your dreams and keep you accountable to living your true purpose.

I see the transformation from Day One with everyone walking in to Day Seven, It’s just transformational. I learned from that as well for myself to expand and grow. It’s beautiful. Thank you.

Roz Teakle

7-Day Immersive Schedule

Here’s what we cover together over the 7 days.
Whether you’re online or in-person you’ll come away with the confidence to apply the Spinal Flow Technique and help people heal.

Developing A Strong Foundation In The Spinal Flow Technique

  • Confidently identify spinal blockages in all of the 7 Gateways
  • Learn how to assess postural imbalances and identify stored stress
  • Understand the messages from the body in the form of pain, illness and dis-ease
  • How to communicate with your client exactly what’s going on in their body
  • Learn how to locate all 33 Access Points of the spine.
  • Learn to intuitively select the best Access Point to awaken the Spinal Flow in your clients

Awakening The Spinal Flow

  • How to track the 3 types of Spinal Flow
    – The Movement Flow
    – The Breathing Flow
    – The Perception Flow
  • Communicating the experience of the Spinal Flow to your clients so they are empowered to help heal themselves
  • Feeling the layers of stress in the body
  • How to determine how long stress, pain, dis-ease and illness have been stored in the body.
  • Identifying the rate of healing and how long it will take someone to heal.
  • How to guide your client on their healing journey
  • Your Personal Healing Journey – Part I
    Working in a small pod, you will assess each other’s posture, Gateways and feel the spine for blockages and layers of stress. Later in the week you will get a chance to revisit your assessments to track how your body and their body can heal.

Enhancing The Spinal Flow

  • Using Sacral Bolsters to correct pelvic dysfunction and enhance the Spinal Flow
  • More tools to increase the Spinal Flow and greatly expand the flow of healing Life Force Energy
  • Discovering your Superpowers – how to use your unique gifts and welcome them into your healing sessions to increase the power of your intention, develop your natural confidence and amplify the Spinal Flow in your clients to help them heal.
  • Creating a bridge with your clients by helping them understand how their pain, illness or dis-ease is connected with the results of your assessment.
  • How to address exactly what your clients are feeling by connecting their experience to your knowledge of the 7 Gateways. You will become an expert at solving people’s problems!

Deep Emotional Healing

  • How to safely release the deepest emotional stress stored in the spine so the entire body can heal.
  • Experiencing the freedom and healing flow of Life Force Energy when deep emotional stress is cleared from the spine.
  • Having a deeper experience of the Spinal Flow by embodying each of the three Flow types: the Movement Flow, the Breath Flow and the Perception Flow.
  • Guidelines for treating babies, children, teenagers, the elderly, palliative care, fertility and pregnancy

Opening The Heart

  • How to open the Heart with the Spinal Flow Technique. 
  • Leading with the Heart and allowing the Heart’s intelligence to guide the Spinal Flow
  • Practicing the Spinal Flow Technique in different positions – seated, on the side and on the back.
  • Treating clients with paralysis or in wheelchairs
  • Your Personal Healing Journey – Part II
    Together with your pod you will reassess each other’s posture, Gateways and spinal blockages to measure the change and transformation that is taking place. Prepare to be amazed!

Magnify Your Healing Potential

  • The incredible power of working with multiple people as a Spinal Flow Practitioner.
  • How to set up your practice to work with multiple clients. 
  • How to communicate and manage a multi-person healing session with your clients.
  • How to schedule group sessions into your practice. 
  • How to facilitate group sessions in a retreat setting
  • The importance of Giving and Receiving as a Spinal Flow Practitioner so you can rejuvenate and energise yourself (and not just give give give).

Trusting Your Intuition

  • Trusting your intuition – how to put together everything you’ve learnt, release the rules, go with the flow and simply be You
  • Finding your Healer Zone
  • Your Personal Healing Journey Part III
    Together with your pod you will complete a final assessment of each other. Reflect upon your Gateway and postural assessments from Day 2 and Day 5 and notice the changes in yourself and others. This is when you realise how much transformation is possible and the incredible power of Spinal Flow to help heal the body.
  • Aligning your dreams and your purpose with your new abilities as a Spinal Flow Practitioner.
  • Finding your tribe and the group of people here to support you in your dreams and keep you accountable to living your true purpose.

I see the transformation from Day One with everyone walking in to Day Seven, It’s just transformational. I learned from that as well for myself to expand and grow. It’s beautiful. Thank you.

Roz Teakle

I see the transformation from Day One with everyone walking in to Day Seven, It’s just transformational. I learned from that as well for myself to expand and grow. It’s beautiful. Thank you.

Roz Teakle

upcoming training dates

With options for in-person and remote immersives,
the Spinal Flow Technique team caters for all student needs.

Barcelona, Spain
April 10 - 16, 2025 


Cancun, Mexico
April 25 - May 1, 2025  

Gold Coast, Australia
August 26 - Sep 1, 2025  

(Virtual option available)

Barcelona, Spain
October 8 - 14, 2025  

Cancun, Mexico
November 18 - 24, 2025  

Gold Coast, Australia
February 9 - 15, 2026  

(Virtual option available)

Barcelona, Spain
March 26 - April 1, 2026  

upcoming training dates

With options for in-person and remote immersives,
the Spinal Flow Technique team caters for all student needs.

Barcelona, Spain
April 10 - 16, 2025


Cancun, Mexico
April 25 - May 1, 2025

Gold Coast, Australia
August 26 - Sept 1, 2025

(Virtual option available)

Barcelona, Spain
October 8 - 14, 2025

Cancun, Mexico
November 18 - 24, 2025

Gold Coast, Australia
February 9 - 15, 2026

(Virtual option available)

Barcelona, Spain
March 26 - April 1, 2026

Gold Coast, Australia
March 18 – 24, 2024

(Virtual option available)

Barcelona, Spain
March 30 – April 5, 2024

Playa del Carmen, Mexico
May 24 – 30, 2024

Gold Coast, Australia
October 7 – 13, 2024

(Virtual option available)

Playa del Carmen, Mexico
November 19 – 25, 2024

Barcelona, Spain
December 8 – 14, 2024

upcoming training dates

With options for in-person and remote immersives,
the Spinal Flow Technique team caters for all student needs.

Barcelona, Spain
April 10 - 16, 2025


Cancun, Mexico
April 25 - May 1, 2025

Gold Coast, Australia
August 26 - September 1, 2025

(Virtual option available)

Barcelona, Spain
October 8 - 14, 2025

Cancun, Mexico
November 18 - 24, 2025

Gold Coast, Australia
February 9 - 15, 2026

(Virtual option available)

Barcelona, Spain
March 26 - April 1, 2026

I just wanted to say thanks for everyone bringing their really good energy and being vulnerable. It’s allowed all of us, I think, to soften and really kind of get into ourselves. And it’s just really nice to have that sort of supportive energy. So thanks.

Jo Smythe

I just wanted to say thanks for everyone bringing their really good energy and being vulnerable. It’s allowed all of us, I think, to soften and really kind of get into ourselves. And it’s just really nice to have that sort of supportive energy. So thanks.

Jo Smythe

I just wanted to say thanks for everyone bringing their really good energy and being vulnerable. It’s allowed all of us, I think, to soften and really kind of get into ourselves. And it’s just really nice to have that sort of supportive energy. So thanks.

Jo Smythe

final day feedback after the immersive training

April 2022 Gold Coast Immersive

November 2021 Gold Coast Immersive

August 2021 Gold Coast Immersive

final day feedback after the immersive training

April 2022 Gold Coast Immersive

November 2021 Gold Coast Immersive

August 2021 Gold Coast Immersive

final day feedback after the immersive training

April 2022 Gold Coast Immersive

November 2021 Gold Coast Immersive

August 2021 Gold Coast Immersive


Not sure if it will work for you if you can’t attend in person? Guess what – we weren’t sure either!

During Covid we were forced to move online and we perfected some brilliant strategies to teach you virtually!

We have a huge screen (and by huge I mean HUGE), and we teach you how to position your camera so we can see exactly what you’re doing with your hands. In fact it’s even easier to see you on our big screen than it is in real life sometimes!

We dedicate a team member solely to people who are attending virtually so there’s someone who’s always there watching you.

We don’t work around the clock, but we do have recordings for you to watch whenever you like. It would be great if you can also get some live feedback but you may discover that you feel confident with what you’re learning and you don’t need it. 

We also have 3 live calls every week with Dr Carli and/or our head trainers. These are scheduled morning and night which makes them accessible for ALL time zones. 

Some of these calls are there specifically for you to get live feedback on your technique so you will walk away knowing exactly what you need to do.

We’ll send a special care package for people who are learning virtually so you’ll know the exact details for things such as
– when you need a body to practice on
– how to position your camera (an iPhone or computer camera is fine – you don’t need a special camera)
– other things to support you 

We get it – we asked the same question, but we did it anyway and you know what – every person who has taken the leap and joined our Immersive virtually has said “It was amazing / I feel confident / I didn’t think it was possible but it is / I feel excited, I feel I’ve got the passion, I feel confident and I was blown away by the help and support I received.”

It doesn’t mean we don’t want to see you live and in person – we do!! Just don’t make it a barrier to attending if you can’t attend live. Join us virtually, connect with the community, receive the support you need and gain the skills and confidence that will make you an incredible Spinal Flow Practitioner.

The 7-day Immersive brings together everything you learn in the online component of the Spinal Flow Certification Program. We don’t offer the Immersive as a stand-alone training because the background knowledge, philosophy and scientific understanding of the Spinal Flow Technique is required to become a fully confident Spinal Flow Practitioner who can help people heal.

Book a call with one of the team. They’ll talk you through everything you need to know to feel confident in whatever decision you’re making.


Not sure if it will work for you if you can’t attend in person? Guess what – we weren’t sure either!

During Covid we were forced to move online and we perfected some brilliant strategies to teach you virtually!

We have a huge screen (and by huge I mean HUGE), and we teach you how to position your camera so we can see exactly what you’re doing with your hands. In fact it’s even easier to see you on our big screen than it is in real life sometimes!

We dedicate a team member solely to people who are attending virtually so there’s someone who’s always there watching you.

We don’t work around the clock, but we do have recordings for you to watch whenever you like. It would be great if you can also get some live feedback but you may discover that you feel confident with what you’re learning and you don’t need it. 

We also have 3 live calls every week with Dr Carli and/or our head trainers. These are scheduled morning and night which makes them accessible for ALL time zones. 

Some of these calls are there specifically for you to get live feedback on your technique so you will walk away knowing exactly what you need to do.

We’ll send a special care package for people who are learning virtually so you’ll know the exact details for things such as
– when you need a body to practice on
– how to position your camera (an iPhone or computer camera is fine – you don’t need a special camera)
– other things to support you

We get it – we asked the same question, but we did it anyway and you know what – every person who has taken the leap and joined our Immersive virtually has said “It was amazing / I feel confident / I didn’t think it was possible but it is / I feel excited, I feel I’ve got the passion, I feel confident and I was blown away by the help and support I received.”

It doesn’t mean we don’t want to see you live and in person – we do!! Just don’t make it a barrier to attending if you can’t attend live. Join us virtually, connect with the community, receive the support you need and gain the skills and confidence that will make you an incredible Spinal Flow Practitioner.

The 7-day Immersive brings together everything you learn in the online component of the Spinal Flow Certification Program. We don’t offer the Immersive as a stand-alone training because the background knowledge, philosophy and scientific understanding of the Spinal Flow Technique is required to become a fully confident Spinal Flow Practitioner who can help people heal.

Book a call with one of the team. They’ll talk you through everything you need to know to feel confident in whatever decision you’re making.


Not sure if it will work for you if you can’t attend in person? Guess what – we weren’t sure either!

During Covid we were forced to move online and we perfected some brilliant strategies to teach you virtually!

We have a huge screen (and by huge I mean HUGE), and we teach you how to position your camera so we can see exactly what you’re doing with your hands. In fact it’s even easier to see you on our big screen than it is in real life sometimes!

We dedicate a team member solely to people who are attending virtually so there’s someone who’s always there watching you.

We don’t work around the clock, but we do have recordings for you to watch whenever you like. It would be great if you can also get some live feedback but you may discover that you feel confident with what you’re learning and you don’t need it. 

We also have 3 live calls every week with Dr Carli and/or our head trainers. These are scheduled morning and night which makes them accessible for ALL time zones. 

Some of these calls are there specifically for you to get live feedback on your technique so you will walk away knowing exactly what you need to do.

We’ll send a special care package for people who are learning virtually so you’ll know the exact details for things such as
– when you need a body to practice on
– how to position your camera (an iPhone or computer camera is fine – you don’t need a special camera)
– other things to support you

We get it – we asked the same question, but we did it anyway and you know what – every person who has taken the leap and joined our Immersive virtually has said “It was amazing / I feel confident / I didn’t think it was possible but it is / I feel excited, I feel I’ve got the passion, I feel confident and I was blown away by the help and support I received.”

It doesn’t mean we don’t want to see you live and in person – we do!! Just don’t make it a barrier to attending if you can’t attend live. Join us virtually, connect with the community, receive the support you need and gain the skills and confidence that will make you an incredible Spinal Flow Practitioner.

The 7-day Immersive brings together everything you learn in the online component of the Spinal Flow Certification Program. We don’t offer the Immersive as a stand-alone training because the background knowledge, philosophy and scientific understanding of the Spinal Flow Technique is required to become a fully confident Spinal Flow Practitioner who can help people heal.

Book a call with one of the team. They’ll talk you through everything you need to know to feel confident in whatever decision you’re making.