Our Practitioners

How to Find A Spinal Flow Practitioner

Please use our search bar below and type in your address or postcode then press enter and you will see a list of the closest Spinal Flow Practitioners to you.

What if there are no Practitioners in my area?

As we are a new modality, there may not be a practitioner near you right now. We ran our first program outside of Australia in November 2022. This list is currently up to date, but please keep checking as new practitioners are added each week. 

If there are no practitioners in your area, you can be the first in your area or if this is not your thing, stay connected with us on our socials where Dr Carli shares self-healing techniques each week on her fb lives.  

What is the difference between Association Members and Non-Association Members?

Our Association Members remain connected to our Spinal Flow Association, which includes access to the latest updates and weekly calls, coaching and support with Dr Carli.  Our non-association are certified in Spinal Flow but are not currently connected to the ongoing support and latest teachings. 

Click here to see the summary.

To see a summary of the difference between our Ambassadors, Association Members and Non Association Members



Click here to download Certified Practitioner List (PDF)


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